
Why Debra Hoon Recommends
Ruby of the Sea

"Ruby of the Sea helped me take control of my life again. I have dropped in units and can walk for about 1-2 miles. I'm ready to take Zumba class!" 

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Debra’s Story

Ruby of the Sea
Changed Her Life

Within 30 days of taking Ruby of the Sea, Debra lost 17 pounds and was beginning to see success in managing her diabetes. Today she has the energy of a teenager. She feels like she’s back in control of her life.

Lost 38+ pounds total 

 A1C went down from 6.9 to 5.1

 Dropped 12 units of insulin per day

 Started walking and dancing again

 No more muscle or body aches

Get Ruby of the Sea

It’s a Better Omega-3

Only Calanus Oil has the special combination of three Omega-3
Fatty acids EPA, DHA, and SDA as well as the powerful antioxidant Astaxanthin.


EPA aids in heart health and DHA in brain health

Stearidonic Acid (SDA)

Precursor to EPA that protects the heart and reduces inflammation


Red antioxidant that fights inflammation for youthful skin
and better overall health

Wax Ester Absorption

Slower digestion in the gut activates the GPR120 receptor regulating fat and sugar metabolism

Get Ruby of the Sea

Clinically Proven Benefits

Ruby of the Sea supports a better quality of life and supports your whole body - including digestive health, cardiovascular health, and cognitive function. Clinical trials have also shown these benefits: 

20% increase in anti-inflammatory activity

14% reduction of body fat

13% blood sugar improvement

30% increase in physical performance

7% increase in lean body mass

Potent Anti-Inflammatory

 Omega 3 fatty acids act as building blocks for anti-inflammatory mediators eicosanoids.

 SDA lowers the output of Omega-6-based pro-inflammatory mediators.

 Wax Esters promote fat metabolism and smaller, healthier fat cells. Large fat cells contribute to overall inflammation.

Fight Inflammation with Ruby of the Sea

Good for Your Heart

Clinical trials show daily intake of Calanus oil improves cardiac function by improving blood lipids and providing an additional layer of protection for the heart.

Studies also show around 8% more blood flow to provide oxygen and nutrients to your cells throughout the body.

How Ruby of the Sea Is Improving Lives

Phan Huynh

“Ruby of the Sea Oil has remarkably changed my life. I feel so full of energy at the age of 81. People at the gym would come up to me and ask about my age. They can’t believe that I am working out and looking so young and vibrant. I have been the healthiest I have ever been for a long time. Remarkably it has helped with my heart conditions. I lost 35 pounds in the process as well.”

Liane Whyte

“I noticed an increase in my energy level. I wake up earlier and feel less fatigued throughout the day. I'm a believer and will continue to take this Ruby of the Sea!”

Mai Tran

“This Ruby of the Sea oil really helped me gain my leg strength and mobility. After taking Ruby of the Sea Oil for 3 months with 4 softgels a day (2 softgels in the morning and 2 softgels in the afternoon), I’m able to walk again. The more I take it the better I feel every day. I am a believer in Ruby of the Sea.”

Fish Oil Vs. Krill Oil Vs. Calanus Oil

The Real Omega-3 Superstar

Ruby of the Sea outshines traditional
Omega-3s like krill oil and fish oil.

Calanus Oil

Fish Oil

Krill Oil

Omega-3 EPA & DHA



SDA (DHA precursor)






Wax Ester
(slowest absorption)

Ester (fast absorption)

(slower absorption)

Extraction Method*

Naturally extracted
at the source



Life Expectancy of Source
(time to accumulate pollutants**)

1 year

5 years

5 years

* Not required on label per FDA. 

**Examples: heavy metals, mercury, PCBs, chlordanes

A Cleaner Marine Oil

Calanus oil is ecologically sourced
and pure.

Zooplankton calanus finmarchicus lives only a year and is less _contaminated

Sourced in the pristine waters of the Arctic Norwegian Sea

Harvested at the source immediately

No toxic solvents used during extraction

Certificate of Analysis is available on request

Fish Oil Vs. Krill Oil Vs. Calanus Oil

The Real Omega-3 Superstar

Ruby of the Sea outshines traditional Omega-3s like krill oil and fish oil. 

Calanus Oil

Fish Oil

Krill Oil

Omega-3 EPA & DHA



SDA (DHA precursor)




Wax Ester
(slowest absorption)

Extraction Method*

Naturally extracted
at the source

Life Expectancy of Source (time to accumulate pollutants**)

1 Year

* Not required on label per FDA. 

**Examples: heavy metals, mercury, PCBs, chlordanes

Fish Oil Vs. Krill Oil Vs. Calanus Oil

* Not required on label per FDA. 

**Examples: heavy metals, mercury, PCBs, chlordanes

A Cleaner Marine Oil

Calanus oil is ecologically sourced and pure.

 Zooplankton calanus finmarchicus lives only a year and is less contaminated

 Sourced in the pristine waters of the Arctic Norwegian Sea

 Harvested at the source immediately

 No toxic solvents used during extraction

 Certificate of Analysis is available on request

Try Calanus Oil Yourself

Put the power of Calanus Oil to work for you

Ruby of the Sea can be an important part of helping you live a healthier, happier life. 

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